Tuesday, October 7, 2008


Just so that we're clear where the hell Beslan is...

North Ossetia borders on Georgia. South Ossetia is a provinnce of Georgia. The Ossetians are ethnic Russians (or more accurately Cossacks) Russian soldiers are currently occupying South Ossetia in a bizarre political game involving the US as allies of Georgia and Russia as allies of the Ossetians. Needless to say Oil is involved - Georgia is the non-Russian access to the black sea for fuel pipes. The background to Ossetian-Georgian relations can be found at wiki - south ossetia

Now - Beslan came about following another terrotorial dispute: between Russia and Chechnia. The Chechnians are decidedly ethnically UnRussian - although Russia will not allow them independence. Whilst the most common religion in Russia is Orthodox Christianity, the Chechnians are Muslim. The beslan hostage taking came in response to the Russian's victory in the second Chechnian war of independence (both failed). Hence, the cause of the hostage taking was both Nationalistic (Chechnian Paradise) and religious (Muslim paradise)

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