Friday, October 17, 2008

Heavens Gate Ex Member speaking out

There is pictures of the bodies including that of Applewhite


Leo said...

OMG! >.< that surviving member frustrated me so much "it wasnt suicide, to you it would look like suicide but it wasnt" if he was such a believer and follower of this higher plain why didnt he not commit but commit suicide when they did

Charlotte said...

Because he believes that it isn't suicide, it's releasing you soul from the physical to go on a journey away from this earth. He won't see it as a suicide because they don't view it as taking life but developing it. Suicide to is is someone who isn't happy wanting to kill themselves and stop their suffering. These people were happy and looking for fulfilment. He just felt it wasn't his time. Haven't you ever had that sensation of "I need to go home" and you you were right because something has happened? Or picked up your phone just as someone has called but you were thinking of them anyway? Some things we just can't explain and this is one of them.

Some of them didn't do it then because they honestly believe their purpose hasn't been completed.