Thursday, October 2, 2008

ladies and gentleman i give you mr marshall applewhite...again

and the rest of his and the heavens gate cults videos on...

google videos


Charlotte said...

If you search specifically for the cult you can find some of the lessons which are around 2 hours long each. They are very bizarre... the exit speeches of people in other videos are very happy and relaxed. They are convinced of what is to come is natural.

Dan said...

We should record our own exit speeches or manifestoes for the future and project them on a big screen. See what it looks like/ what effect it has (in creepy applegate style

Charlotte said...

Dan I don't mean to burst your's applewhite not applegate! lol, were you getting excited and put gat in the mix?

I think recording our own would be great, maybe put a spin on it wearing alien stuff and trekkie hats? Or making it serious and actually wearing what they wore for "exiting" which was all black, not gender specific and black nike trainers which reminded them of the comet... but could just wear blacks.